Addresses found on the street named ''PHELPS CT'' and some information about their location
AddressParcelIn/OutPolice BeatFire StationRep.DistMaint.VotingZip
10440 PHELPS CTClick for a map of this address...129-0-075-155CITYB:4 - RD:150City 6600724 District 4  93004 
10441 PHELPS CTClick for a map of this address...129-0-075-095CITYB:4 - RD:150City 6600724 District 4  93004 
10456 PHELPS CTClick for a map of this address...129-0-075-165CITYB:4 - RD:150City 6600724 District 4  93004 
10457 PHELPS CTClick for a map of this address...129-0-075-105CITYB:4 - RD:150City 6600724 District 4  93004 
10470 PHELPS CTClick for a map of this address...129-0-075-175CITYB:4 - RD:150City 6600724 District 4  93004 
10471 PHELPS CTClick for a map of this address...129-0-075-205CITYB:4 - RD:150City 6600724 District 4  93004 
10484 PHELPS CTClick for a map of this address...129-0-075-185CITYB:4 - RD:150City 6600724 District 4  93004 
10485 PHELPS CTClick for a map of this address...129-0-075-195CITYB:4 - RD:150City 6600724 District 4  93004 
Addresses found on the street named ''PHELPS CT'' and some information about their location