Addresses found on the street named ''PARSONS AV'' and some information about their location
AddressParcelIn/OutPolice BeatFire StationRep.DistMaint.VotingZip
222 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-244-025CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
225 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-243-065CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
237 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-243-055CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
237 PARSONS AV #AClick for a map of this address...078-0-243-055CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
238 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-244-015CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
246 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-244-075CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
251 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-243-045CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
275 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-243-035CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
280 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-244-105CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
283 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-243-025CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
288 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-244-135CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
294 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-244-125CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
295 PARSONS AVClick for a map of this address...078-0-243-015CITYB:3 - RD:71City 3300511 District 2  93003 
Addresses found on the street named ''PARSONS AV'' and some information about their location