Addresses found on the street named ''PARRISH PL'' and some information about their location
AddressParcelIn/OutPolice BeatFire StationRep.DistMaint.VotingZip
550 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-190-075CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
564 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-190-085CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
578 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-190-095CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
583 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-190-055CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
597 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-190-045CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
601 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-190-035CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
627 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-190-025CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
653 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-190-015CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
675 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-181-255CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
678 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-181-195CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
684 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-181-205CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
696 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-181-215CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
707 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-181-245CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
708 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-181-225CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
724 PARRISH PLClick for a map of this address...079-0-181-235CITYB:4 - RD:77City 5500416 District 3  93003 
Addresses found on the street named ''PARRISH PL'' and some information about their location