Addresses found on the street named ''PACIFIC AV N'' and some information about their location
AddressParcelIn/OutPolice BeatFire StationRep.DistMaint.VotingZip
5 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-084-200CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
19 PACIFIC AV N #USClick for a map of this address...888-8-238-200CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  NO MAIL:Utility Service 
36 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-091-170CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
36 PACIFIC AV N #BClick for a map of this address...073-0-091-170CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
38 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-091-170CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
48 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-091-110CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
62 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-091-120CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
74 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-091-130CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
84 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-091-140CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
95 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-083-280CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
123 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...073-0-083-110CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220075 District 2  93001 
174 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...072-0-200-310CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220035 District 2  93001 
177 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...072-0-192-350CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220035 District 2  93001 
188 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...072-0-200-320CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220035 District 2  93001 
196 PACIFIC AV NClick for a map of this address...072-0-200-300CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220035 District 2  93001 
Addresses found on the street named ''PACIFIC AV N'' and some information about their location