Addresses found on the street named ''EXETER AV'' and some information about their location
AddressParcelIn/OutPolice BeatFire StationRep.DistMaint.VotingZip
1305 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-401-105CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1306 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-205CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1324 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-195CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1349 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-401-095CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1350 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-185CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1372 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-175CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1394 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-165CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1403 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-402-095CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1404 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-155CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1419 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-402-105CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1420 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-145CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1437 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-402-115CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1438 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-135CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
1460 EXETER AVClick for a map of this address...134-0-403-125CITYB:4 - RD:137City 4400422 District 5  93004 
Addresses found on the street named ''EXETER AV'' and some information about their location