Addresses found on the street named ''ENCINAL PL'' and some information about their location
AddressParcelIn/OutPolice BeatFire StationRep.DistMaint.VotingZip
7 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-081-020CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
18 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-220CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
25 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-081-040CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
28 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-230CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
30 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-210CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
36 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-240CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
44 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-255CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
54 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-260CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
57 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-081-030CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
62 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-270CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
66 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-280CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
86 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-082-290CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
93 ENCINAL PLClick for a map of this address...073-0-081-020CITYB:2 - RD:36City 220065 District 2  93001 
Addresses found on the street named ''ENCINAL PL'' and some information about their location