Addresses found on the street named ''ENCANTO AV'' and some information about their location
AddressParcelIn/OutPolice BeatFire StationRep.DistMaint.VotingZip
2667 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-175-170CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2670 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-176-010CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2679 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-175-160CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2682 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-176-020CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2691 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-175-150CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2694 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-176-030CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2703 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-175-140CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2706 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-176-040CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2715 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-175-130CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2718 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-176-050CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2727 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-175-120CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2730 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-176-060CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2739 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-175-110CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
2742 ENCANTO AVClick for a map of this address...075-0-176-070CITYB:2 - RD:52City 220086 District 7  93003 
Addresses found on the street named ''ENCANTO AV'' and some information about their location