Addresses found on the street named ''EL MALABAR DR'' and some information about their location
AddressParcelIn/OutPolice BeatFire StationRep.DistMaint.VotingZip
7015 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-021-115CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7033 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-021-155CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7034 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-023-235CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7050 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-023-225CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7051 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-021-135CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7062 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-023-285CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7074 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-061-025CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7082 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-061-035CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7085 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-051-145CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7090 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-061-045CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
7098 EL MALABAR DRClick for a map of this address...070-0-061-055CITYB:3 - RD:116City 3300417 District 2  93003 
Addresses found on the street named ''EL MALABAR DR'' and some information about their location